Monday, October 29, 2012

People are confused, or confusing, or just plain ole crazy.

The Halloween costume search was a huge success and we are ready to go around the neighborhood and beg for candy. It should be a great night.
People are confusing. One minute they seem to be your friend and the next minute they will not even talk with you. Explain please why you are fickle, rude, disrespectful, and a snob. I could say other things, but better to leave it alone. Kindness is a wonderful thing and a dear friend of mine once told me he tried really hard to treat people the way he hoped they would treat him in return. This worked well for him so I have taken his advice and I try to do this. Honestly, I am not always successful, but I do try. Often just a smile will say more than words. Some people just cannot be nice and have the tendancy to just be awful when they think the world is not revolving around them. I happen to know a few of these people. Actually, I happen to know them very well. Perhaps better than I would like. Enough of rambling. I just cannot understand why it is so hard for some people to just be nice. Why must they go about their life treating people the way they do. A mystery I must say. Well it is their life and if they want to be as_holes they have every right to do so. I guess I should just treat them the way they treat me. Well I am not. But I am going to just ignore them and pretend like they do not exist. At least I will be one less person they will have to be rude to.
I have vented and my soapbox is back in the closet. For now. Halloween photos later. Everyone have a wonderful day and if you are in the north east, I hope the hurricane avoids you. Thanks for reading.

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