Saturday, September 21, 2013

My True Friends

"Love Is Not Only Made For Lovers, It Is Also For Friends Who Love Each Other, Better Than Lovers"

I had someone do something really nice for me once and I tried to repay him. His statement back to me was "That is what real friends do for each other"
My heart was touched by this statement. We should all be blessed with real friends. The ones that are there for us, no matter what. The ones that will come, no matter what the time, and the ones that believe in us, even when we stop believing. True Friends. I am blessed. One of my real friends has gone on to his next life but my few really true friends are here. I have many people I know and call friend, but the ones that are true and real friends are not many. These are the ones that believe in you when you stop believing. They come when you need them, no matter the time or day. They listen to good news and bad news and have words for both. They are there and want to be there. They do not judge, they just love you for who you are.
I love my true friends and I try to be there when they need me, even if they do not know they need me. Sitting in silence can be the best conversation you ever have. Just knowing they are there and love you means so much. They do not have to fix what is hurting you, they just care enough to be there to let you know. Good enough. We should all be blessed with this type of silence in our lives.
Appreciate those true friends and be one in return. Love grows from kindness and good deeds. Love grows the most when it is returned in the humble way it is given.
Tell the ones you love that you do love them and be a true friend.
Thanks for reading.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The monster has returned

Once again, cancer has returned to cause pain and saddness in someone's life I love. I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with cancer last December and the disease is taking over his body. It has spread into his lungs, kidneys and back. He is in lots of pain most days. They are treating this cancer with radiation and chemo, but the cancer is stubborn and not giving up.
I have said many times, I hate cancer. It is a terrible disease that robs us of the people we love. It causes pain and heartache and just the mention of the word, sends fear and dread into our hearts.
Once again, I fear, cancer is about to take someone that I love very much. He is suffering and the pain gets worse each day. One cannot be selfish and wish this person to stay with so much pain.
This friend is a very good person. He has always been kind to others and has always thought of others before himself. When is time comes he is ready. His family is sad and worried. He will leave behind many people who love him.
I hate cancer.
Please tell the ones you love that you do love them and thanks for reading.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


The calendar says it is Fall. Well close enough that it can be called Fall. I have noticed some leaves falling off trees. No color change to speak of, but falling leaves are here. Morning temps are cooler. Days are still hot, but the mornings are nice. Halloween and Fall decorations are out in stores. I have even seen a Christmas decoration or two in some stores.
I like Fall. Cooler temps, enjoy outside more, jeans and sweats, and the smell. Fall smells different. The smell of leaves, pumpkin, and wood burning. People begin to have fire outside and fire in the wood stove or fireplace. I love the smells. I like the cooler temperatures. I like the festivals and fairs that happen in the Fall. I must say Fall and Spring are my favorite times of the year. Not too hot, not too cold, and the colors of both are just beautiful. Spring brings flowers and Fall brings changing leaves.
Halloween is around the corner and what costume to wear is most present on Skylar's mind. She has stated about 10 or 12 that she wants to be. The search for the perfect one is on. We have to find one that is just right. She is a girly girl and she loves princess and fairy and all things like that. I am trying to get her to be something scarey, like a witch or zombie. She does not seem too keen on those ideas. We will continue the search and I will report back on the decision, probably with pictures.
I am off to a donkey show today. Looking forward to seeing the beautiful donkeys and all the many different kinds. I have come to love this animals and how friendly they are.
Everyone have a wonderful day and as alwasy, tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

One Year/Two Years

This time of year is a struggle for me. It marks the aniversary of two major events in my life. One year ago, Gerald left this world to go to his next life. Two years ago, Miss Kia did the same.
Above is a picture of Gerald sitting on Kia. Although it is sad, I love this picture. Everytime Gerald would come around this little horse, he would ride her. Only for a short time because he was a little big for her, he did enjoy riding her so very much. She was such a good girl.
I remember a couple of weeks before Kia left this world, Gerald was at the pasture putting shoes on another horse. When he was finished, he was sitting in his truck with the door open talking to me. I had Kia out there with me on a lead. I had to walk over to get something for him from my car, so I dropped the lead and left Kia standing there. I knew she would not go anywhere. When I turned from my car to return to Gerald, Kia had walked over to his truck and had her head and the upper part of her body in the truck with Gerald loving on him. He was rubbing her and talking to her. She loved him so much. All horses loved him so much. I returned to get her and he told me that she missed her Daddy. We finished our conversation and Gerald drove away. That would be the last time Kia would see him. She got sick a couple of weeks later and I lost her. I talked with Gerald on the telephone during the time she was sick and the vet came and through it all, he was there with me by telephone. As always, he helped me and supported me and helped me know what to do. It was a very sad time for me. This little horse was so very special because he had gotten her for me and she was just the perfect horse for me. She was gentle, understanding, and very tolerent of my mistakes, (which were many). He told me when he got her and called me that she was perfect for me and as always, he was right. I learned so very much from this little horse. Kia was suffering and sick. This happen suddenly, but she was in lots of pain. I did not want her to suffer. She was not going to get well and I made the decision I had to make to end her suffering. It was a hard decision. Gerald talked with me and explained things to me and told me I had made the right decision for the horse. Althought heart breaking for me, I had done what was right for the horse, and he was very proud of me. Words of gold from the man whose approval I wanted so very badly.
This was two years ago. Little did I know that one year later I would have to say good-bye to this man who had become one of the best friends I had ever had. He was kind to me. He worked with me and taught me about horses and listen to me when I needed to talk. He was patient and good. In March of 2012, Gerald was told her had stomach cancer. When he told me, I was so sick I thought I would throw up. He assured me things would be OK and he would beat it. The doctors told him his odds were greater than 90% of beating this cancer with surgery and treatments. So the battle began. He went through chemo and radiation and surgery. Through all of it, doctors kept telling him he would be OK with time. He was very sick and lost weight and felt bad, but he battled on. A few weeks after surgery, Gerald began having lots of abdominal pain. He was in and out of hospital with continued pain. Finally doctors admitted him to the hospital for testing. In a few days we learned the cancer had returned and there was nothing they could do. He had only a short amount of time left. I rushed to see him to tell him things that I already had told him many times. How much I appreciated everything he had ever done for me, how much I appreciated all the things he tried to teach me, and how special his friendship was to me. I had to tell him one more time how much I loved him. He already knew all of these things. I had told him many times before he had ever gotten sick, but to say it one more time was something I had to do. I sat by his bed and we talked and laughed about stupid things I had done and remembered special times we had shared. His pain medication was working OK that day and his mind was clear. I have to say, it was a good visit. It was sad because I felt it might be my last. They did not give him much time and I had to travel several hours to visit. I also knew there would be many others who would want to say good-bye to him, so I could not take up all the time he had left. I was able to thank him for being my friend and for being so very good to me. I told him how special he was to me and what an impact he had made in my life. I was able to say one last time I Love You.
He told me it would be OK and that he was right with his life and his maker and he had no regrets. He told me I would be OK and that I would learn I knew more than I thought and he knew I would be fine with the horse he gave to me before he died. He told me he Loved me too. I left his home that day with great saddness, knowing it most likely had been the last time I would see him. Two days later I received the call that his pain had gotten so bad they had to increase his medication to the point that he no longer would be awake. This was it. Now he would sleep until his time came. Gerald left this world 36 hours later. He left peacefully and pain free. He left in his sleep quitely. The friend that I loved so very much was gone. He was no longer suffering. He has suffered quite a bit in his last days and this was over. Now he could be at peace with no more pain and suffering. My heart was broken and still is. I miss this dear friend that I shared so very much with. But I would not want him here if he had to suffer and be in horrible pain like he was. I know he is in a better place and his body is whole now and he is pain free and smiling. I miss him and there is a place in my heart that will always be his.
This time of year is very hard for me. Memories flood in and I am sad. Both Kia and Gerald were suffering and it was time for them to leave this world and go on to their next life. I take comfort in knowing that they are together and Kia can have the person she loved so much and I know Gerald will look after her until my time comes to join them. My heart is heavy becasue I miss both of them so very much.
Please tell the ones you love that you do love them and thanks for reading.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to School

Miss Skylar is off to 1st grade this morning. A new school year. She has a new backpack, new lunch box, new shoes, and new clothes. She is ready. Her backpack is full of pencils, notebooks, folders, and everything else that was on the supply list. Excitement is in the air and sleepy children are ready to go.
Even the school is having their first problem. There was some type of confusion over the new school bus stops and pick-up areas. We got letters last week saying where the new stops would be and explaining why they would not be stopping at each house this year. They are trying to save money. Well something went wrong because we got one of those recorded phone calls yesterday stating something was wrong with the new stops and for everyone to go by last years stop schedule. Well, we are off to a good start this year.
Skylar is a car rider, so the bus stop problem really does not effect her.
I am certain before this week is over, Skylar will come home selling something for her class. It seems they sold something almost every couple of weeks last year. I do not mind a fund raiser once or twice a year, but it seems they go way overboard now. Something new all the time. There are 4 children in our neighborhood that are in the same grade as Skylar. It is hard to sell like that. At my work, there are 3 or 4 children that attend the same school, so we have the same problem. It can really rattle the adults nerves having to help with this.
Well, good luck to Skylar. I am certain she will have a great school year and do well. After all, she is a chip off the old granny block. Ha.
Everyone have a wonderful week and remember to tell the ones you love that you love them. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Miss Me?

I am back. Well most of you probably did not know I had gone anywhere. My computer crashed and I have been waiting for it to get out of computer hospital. Well it is out and feeling better than ever. A very special  "Thanks" to the guy who fixed it for me. It is working way better than ever. I am forever grateful.
Some things have happened while I was away.  Gerald's mother passed away a couple of days ago. She had been very sick for a very long time, so her passing was expected, but not easy for her daughters, I am certain. She was a very nice lady and she raised wonderful children, and as you all know, that baby boy of hers was very special to me. The aniversary of his death is fast approaching. I still think of him every day and miss him so bad. I cannot believe he has been gone a year.
My Mom has been sick. She has bronchitis and something has made her very sick. We do not know if the antibotic has her throwing up or if she has caught a virus. Cannot imagine how she would have caught a virus since she has not been out of the house in months, but stranger things have happened. She has been throwing up for several days now and the doctor cannot get it stopped. I am very afraid she might have to go into the hospital. My Mom has Alheizemers and anything out of her normal routine really messes her up. They have explained that everytime she has to go into the hospital she will get worse each time. The last time she was in there it was so very bad. She was ill with all of us and saying very ugly things. I am hoping she will feel better really soon.
School is starting and we have open house this week. Miss Skylar will learn her new teacher and we will get started on a new school year.
Someone was shooting in front of my house the other night and we had to call the police. Must be something about gun shots fired that gets the police all excited. I must have had 10 cops at my house. I live in a very small community so I am guessing everyone that was working was there. Some excitement for a Friday night anyway. Never did find out who was shooting. As long as they do not return, wel will all be happy.
I guess that is about all that has happen while I was away. Everyone have a great week and please tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading .

Thursday, August 15, 2013


These pictures go with the previous blog but something went wrong and I could not get them added. Pictures of took with my babies yesterday morning. They are smiling and so am I. It was great seeing each other.
Thanks for reading, Tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Missing my babies!!

I was not feeling well for a couple of days and then problems at work made me work really late into the night so I went 3 days without visiting my babies in the pasture. Well yesterday morning I made time to stop and see them for a short while. I think they missed me. They both seemed happy to see me and were very loving. I know I had missed them. I gave them treats and love. They posed for pictures with Mommy and everyone was smiling. It was a good morning. Then work and another obligation forced me yet to miss another evening spending time with them. I am going by again this morning and I really hope to come by this afternoon and spend some time with them. Taking a change of clothes to work so I can actually go out into the pasture and brush them and love on them. I really miss them and it would appear they missed me. I truely understand when people say that their horse feeds their soul. Both Sage and Ben give me happiness and peace within when I am troubled. They are listen when I need to talk and I hear them comfort me with love and kindness when I am troubled.
Everyone tell the ones you love that you do love them and be kind to each other. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Wonderful Blast from my Past!!!!

This my friends is me. This horse is Pepper, the first horse I owned and the one Gerald boarded for me while he lived in the same town as me. This picture was taken several years ago and it is actually the very first time I rode him. I bumped into the man who gave me this wonderful horse yesterday and was traveling down memory lane. I knew I had pictures of that day when I brought him to Gerald's, but I discovered forgotten video clips of all of us riding him that day. I enjoyed watching the clips and seeing my friend Sonny giving me instructions on what to do with this horse and watching myself struggle with riding him. While watching these video clips I saw clips of Gerald. He was watching and talking and giving advice from the sidelines. I did not remember having these videos. It was wonderful to hear his voice. It was so great to hear him healthy and see him smiling and standing around with friends.
I watched and listened and found myself smiling. I was enjoying seeing my old friend again. It was such a wonderful surprise. I enjoyed seeing Pepper again and remebering him and what a wonderful horse he was. I only had him 6 months before I lost him to colic. Friends this horse is the one that brought Gerald and I together and forged a friendship that will live in my heart forever.
I wrote previously how I had been struggling with the upcoming aniversary of his death. I still dread the day, but seeing these videos made me feel so much better. I could actually hear the voice of my friend that I loved so very much.
Life has a way of bring things and doing things to us to help us when we need it. It just brought something to me that I had forgotten I had. How much I enjoyed seeing it. Just what I needed.
Tell the ones you love that you do love them and thanks for reading. Have a wonderful rest of week.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why won't a good cry just help

Before I get into what I want to cry about I must tell you that my Mom's birthday is tomorrow and she informed me this past Sunday that she will be 29. If she continues to go backward she will be younger than my granddaughter really soon. We are getting together as a family to celebrate this birthday. It could very well be the last one she will remember or possibly even have. All of us are going to be there. I hope she has a good day and will remember some of it.

Another aniversary is fast approaching and friends I must tell you I am sick to death about it. The 1 year aniversary of Gerald's death is fast approaching. Seems to be coming in like a speeding train. Yesterday I was reading some of the last text he sent me before he got so very sick and had to go into hospital. At this time last year we were still on the "Going to get well and live a long healthy life" train. It had not derailed quite yet. The problem is: I know it did derail and crash all around Gerald and all his family and friends. Yes I saved the last few text he sent me. I hope to save them forever. I cannot explain how they make me feel. Yes right now they make me cry but most of the time it is like a connection to him. I had saved the last voice message he left on my phone but accidently erased it. I was so sick about that I cried. Hope that does not happen to the text.
Tears have found their way to me the last week many times. I remember a year ago and I am feeled with dread. He is already gone on to his next life. He is not going to die again. I wish I could just have a good long cry and feel better. He is no longer in pain and suffering. He was ready. He told me so himself. He told me it was going to be OK. He talked to me and said many things on that last visit. He was at peace with what was going to happen. He did not dread death. I wish I had one small amount of his courage and strength. I wish I could have a good cry and move on. As each day brings me closer to this aniversary I feel sicker and sicker to my stomach.
He would not want me to feel this way. He would tell me not to act like this. He told me I would be OK and he was OK. He told me not to spend my days grieving over him but to remember the fun times and the laughter we had. He told me to remember he loved me and he would always love me and to live my life and enjoy the wonderful horse he gave me and remember him with great memories. Don't be sad. he said. I try. My heart hurts.
I need a long good cry and maybe it will erase the pain I feel. I need to remember his laughter and teasing. I need to put my big girl panties on as he would tell me. I do miss him so very much. He was just the greatest friend anyone could ever have.
Everyone have a wonderful week and don't forget to tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading. I will try to be more cheerful. Thanks for understanding why I am not right now.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy 35th Birthday to my Mother

My mother has Alheizemers. She is taking medicine to slow the progress down but in some ways it is not slowing down. She still knows who I am most of the time and can still talk to me, although she cannot reason any type of conversation. I went to visit her yesterday. I said to her that her birthday is next week. She said "really"? I could see the confusion. I ask her how old she would be and she did not know. I told her I thought she would be 35. She said "yes she would be 35" Now my mother has been 35 for 50 years and once again she will be 35. I ask if she wanted a birthday cake and she said she did. I ask if she would like pretty flowers and she also said she would. Now I know the day of her birthday she will not remember it is her birthday, but I am going to have pretty flowers sent to her at home. I am considering silk flowers so she will have them to look at for a really long time. Real flowers do smell nice though. I realize she will not remember who sent them but hopefully she can enjoy them.
I will also deliver in person a birthday cake. I hope on this day she does remember who I am and can enjoy a slice of her birthday cake and realize that it is her birthday.
Alheizermers is a terrible disease that robs the person of memories that help them to go on in life. It robs the people around them of the person that they love. The lady sitting there sleeping is not my mother. She lives in the shell that is my mother's body but the words that come out of her mouth are not things my mother would say. The confused look on her face is not one that my mother would have ever had. She remembered everyone and what they said. It is sad to watch and heartbreaking to know that one day she will not remember me.
For now we will celebrate her 35th birthday and hope she knows who we are and can enjoy her birthday.
Everyone have a wonderful week and please remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them.

This is a photo of my Mom celebrating one of her birthdays before she got me. I am sure she was not 35 in this picture.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Help With Barn Repairs

I had gutter repair at the barn yesterday. One of the horses had bumped it with their head and knocked it loose on one end, making rain wash over it and flood into one of the stalls. I went over with gutter nails and tools, ready to fix my problem. I do not have a ladder at the barn so found a feed bucket that I could stand on. Now equiped with all my tools I climb onto the feed bucket and go about working on this gutter. Gerald and Edward are the two kittens pictures above sitting in the feed trough. They were found in the woods where someone had thrown them out. Apparently they are very grateful for being rescued because they want to be held all the time. If you sit down they jump into your lap. If you stand up anywhere near the barn they begin to climp your leg, wanting you to hold them. Such grattitude is really amazing. How do you be mean to something that is that grateful to you????? (A side note, any of you who read my blog know who they are named after. With names like that, they are always going to be treated really good)
Also pictured above are the other babies that live in my pasture. Three of them weight around 1200 pounds each while the fourth weigh around 800 pounds.
While I am standing on the feed bucket, Gerry and Eddy are all around the bucket wondering what I am doing. Also standing around and getting closer and closer are the equine babies that live there. While I am holding a nail and hammering above my head, while standing on a feed bucket, Gerry and Eddy begin to climb up my legs (at this point I am so grateful I am wearing a thick pair of jeans) Next all the the other babies have gathered around so close to me and the bucket that I can reach out and touch each one of them. I should have used Sage to sit on and I would have been taller but not sure if any safer.
Once Missy bumped the bucket and I thought myself, Gerry and Eddy were about to go down, but I managed to save it. I worked about 30 minutes under these conditions. Several vehicles drove by and one even slowed down to look closer. I had a cat hanging from each leg with very large animals all around me. Must have been a real sight.
The gutter was repaired and I am happy to say worked perfectly yesterday when we had a rain shower. Made me feel so proud.
I also am thinking that I should invest in a small step ladder. At least when I am knocked off the ladder I will not have to hear about why I should not be standing on a bucket.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. We never know what the future holds.

Monday, July 15, 2013


"Revenge is beneath me; but accidents do happen"  I read this on the internet recently. It sticks in my head. Funny, but sort of true in a southern kind of way. I also remember hearing from childhood, "I do not get mad, I just get even". Once again, funny but a little bit of truth in such a statement.
Do we go out and seek justice by getting revenge. If the truth be told, yes most of us have done this once or twice in our lifetime. In my younger years, I have looked for revenge and even gotten it maybe once or twice. Seemed more important in my younger years.
Now I really do try to live my the motto: "If a person talks mean to you or treats you badly, it is a reflection of them, not a reflection of you." Very wise words and certainly ones we could take lesson in. But friends, "My attitude toward you is a direct reflection of how you treat me" is also words that I have posted on my desk and I must admit I do believe them.
I am not upset with anyone nor do I feel the need to get even as one calls it. Just really thought it worth mentioning that "Revenge is beneath me but accidents do happen" really sticks in my head on this day and I have a feeling that I will remember the words for a long time. Makes me smile just thinking about them.
Thank you for reading and please tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sure hope it rains

Sure hope it rains. It has rained every day for 4 weeks straight. I would hate to think it might not rain just a few more days. I have so much mud at the barn that the poor animals would not know how to walk on dry ground. Hoofs are cracking and breaking off. What do I do; put plastic garbage bags on their feet. It is an idea but not a good one.
I am seriously begining to think about a large enough boat to get my family and animals on so we can at least have something dry to walk on. It would have to be LARGE.
It is really hot in the south west and really wet in the south east. Would be great if there was a nice balance and we could share with each other.
One of the horses fell in the mud and cut her knee, causing blood and torn skin. Now we have another wound to keep clean and hope does not get infected. She cannot help it. Walking around in that kind of mud makes me fall. When she falls it is 1200 lbs coming down and that scraps knees.
If it does dry out and I complain about no rain at some point please remind me of this post.
Everyone have a great day and please tell the ones you love that you do love them. thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Small Town Fun

We had our annual 4th of July celebration this weekend. We had a parade downtown with games and vendors for most of the afternoon.

Small town parades are unique. I think this is a local band, but not really sure.

The local beauty queens are always there.

We had a couple of clowns. I am pretty sure the clown is the one in the golf cart, not the nice folk standing in front of Capt. Paw Paw's.

We had lawn mowers this year. This one was really nice.

Firetrucks are always there!

Old cars that have been restored. This was a really nice one. I love the color.

The tractors came out in full force. I am not sure how many, but there was a lot of them.

I thought Z Z Top had come to our little local parade, but when I saw the people inside, I really don't think it was them. Nice car though.

Transformers maybe? It never changed into anything though, but it sure cleaned up nice.

We saw some friends. Sky had fun. This is her friend Bella and Bella's Dad. He is having a really fun day!

We had games and other fun things to do uptown.

More uptown fun.

We closed the really fun day with some great fireworks.

It was a really fun small town Fourth of July celebration, even though it is not the 4th yet. Everyone seem to have a great time, eating great food and drinking fresh squeezed lemonade and enjoying all the fun and games.
Remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


If you read my blog enough I am certain you will recognize the beautiful girl who is pictured above. Well the top picture is not that beautiful but the lower one certainly is. Had to put the top picture in for you to see. Just luck that is came out the way it did. But so Sage would not be completely mad at me, I also put up once where you can really see just how beautiful she really is. Well except for the mud on her. But she is most beautiful.
We are really battling flies at the barn this summer. Alot of rain mixed with hot temps is giving us a fit. Then add mudd and horse poo to the mix and flies are everywhere. Poor Lil Ben is being eaten to death. His legs are bleeding from fly bites. I have tried several sprays but they last about 30 seconds and then the flies are back at it.
It is really a problem. The horses are miserable. I have researched online and found several home mix sprays. Tried one of them yesterday. It seemed to help some but still not what I would like.
I will continue searching until I find something that really helps them.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of Sage and remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks so much for reading.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Good Morning

Good Morning. Hope everyone had a great night. I should sum up a few things from previous blogs. Miss Kitty has her kittens behind the hay in the barn. I have not seen them but I know they are there because she continues to go behind the hay all the time and once or twice she has come out from behind the hay after we have been at the barn for a short while. Something behind that hay keep her attention and I am betting it is babies. We have not seen them but with kittens it is only a matter of time and we will.
Construction at the barn is 98% complete and the guys did a wonderful job. Mostly left is clean up and just a couple of minor things. Clean up is this Saturday and the other minor things should come probably this week. It really looks great and the horses and Ben love the new stalls.
We have had lots of rain in the last few weeks and the mud problem is huge at the barn. We have a few ideas of how to help with this problem and we will begin that also this weekend.
I will have pictures of the new barn addition soon. I want to wait until clean up to take pictures.
Hopefully one day I will have pictures of the new kittens. Have to wait and see on that one.
All the animals are doing well. Lil Ben still rolls in that one spot and I never grew grass there, but grass did come up in other places and that seems to be working itself out. Bermuda grass runs all over so with time we should have grass there.
The horses are doing well. Hope managed to cut herself and the vet had to come out but she is doing good. Sage had a round with colic but we overcame and she is her normal fiesty self now. Missy has stayed out of trouble so far and she is good also.
Thank you for reading and as always tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Have a really great day.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday in Heaven; Gerald. I miss you, so very much. I miss my teacher, my confidant, my protector, but most of all; I miss my very dear friend. I miss your advice as you taught me about horses and life; I miss the times we sat and talked and helped each other with life’s problems, I miss the times you firmly, but with love, gave out orders trying to protect me from harm and walked beside me teaching me how to ride the horse, but most of all, I miss the laughter and love shared between two friends. My heart knows you are in a better place, where there is no pain and suffering, no disappointment, no troubles. I would not bring you back to suffer if I had the opportunity to do so; but the empty space in my heart still hurts from your leaving.
You would be proud of me right now. Just like you told me I could; I step up and do my best with the horses. My fear seems to fade more each day. I do what has to be done and do not hesitate. You taught me how to do this.  Yes I know I look to heaven and ask you for advice from time to time, and somehow you let me know what I need to do. You told me I would be OK and as always, you were right. I miss you my very dear friend. My heart remembers the wonderful times we shared. I will always remember. I love you Gerald Hyde. I always will. Have a very Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Miss Lucky Kitty out smarted me

This is Miss Lucky Kitty, my barn cat. I believe I have mentioned her in a blog or two. She showed up at my barn in late March after a rain storm and has been my barn cat ever since. She has been very friendly and loving. We now call her our cat. Even my husband, who claims not to like cats, lets her sit on his lap. Well Miss Kitty kept getting fatter and fatter and finally we decided she was going to have babies. Well friends, I was excited. Baby kittens to play with and spoil. How wonderful. We got her a box and put down towels and was ready for the wonderful event. She got fatter and fatter. She looked like she was going to explode. Then this past weekend she disappeared. I was worried. I have had really bad luck with barn cats. We have fox and I do worry about Miss Kitty. I also knew she could have gone somewhere else to have her babies. I made her a nice place but maybe not to her liking. Well Miss Kitty was back for breakfast yesterday morning. She was also very thin. Somewhere she had little baby kittens. I checked and it did appear she was nursing. No kittens in the barn. I am disappointed. I can only hope she brings them to the barn in a few days. I hope she does.
I really wanted baby kittens to hold and love. I guess Kitty did not want me holding and loving on her babies. If no babies in a few days I will have to stalk her and find them. A friend told me if I do this she will move them again. I guess Miss Lucky Kitty has out smarted me. I have only lost the battle, not the war. I will keep looking.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sky's Big Day

Well Miss Skylar had her big day at school. Awards day was yesterday. They did a really cute program and then gave out awards. She received two awards. Sky got a writing award an art award. She was very excited. I was the very proud grandmother (mother). As I have written about before Sky's mother is not in the picture. I am grandmother and mother. Sometimes I feel way too old for the mother job, but friends, this little precious child looks and acts just like me. How in the world could I be anything else to her. I guess it does keep me yound. Maybe it is making me older. Who knows. Either way, I gladly take on this role and I was very proud today to be there for her big day. Getting dressed that morning was a challenge. She has her own opinion of what she wants to wear and I have mine. Right now they are not even close. We compromised and actually she looked very cute.
Now for summer break and then on to the first grade. I am not sure if I am ready but I am certain Skylar is more than ready. She is ready to take the world on every day full force. She is not a wall flower so I think she will do well. It is up to me to teach her not to take crap from anyone. I am doing my best.
I want her to be a lawyer or a doctor or something like that. She wants to be a hair fixer. The struggle continues. Ha
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Shhhhh. The Secret.

This is a really big secret. I really do not want Ben, (out donkey) to know this. I have grass coming up in the pasture. I have small green patches sticking it's little grass head out all around where I have planted. We actually had a nice soaking rain yesterday and we are going to have sunshine today. I think that will be a great combination. I believe more little grass will poke their heads out. Friends, I must share with you how excited I am. All of you know I planted grass 3 times and even watered some of it by hand trying to get it to grow. Now it is finally coming up. The soaking rain should really help me so very much. Ben still rolls in his favorite dirt spot in the middle of my grass seed, but it is coming up in other places so this is really great. I am hoping for a nice green field of little grass blades by the end of the week.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Friday, May 31, 2013

The grass problem, but gotta love him.

Pictured above are the beautiful animals that live in my pasture on a daily basis. Sorry no picture of Miss Kitty but she does live in the barn and only weighs 5 lbs so she gets a break. Pictured in the barn is Hope and Missy. They are mother and daughter and enjoy hanging out in the barn way more than being in the pasture. I guess it is cooler in the barn and less flies.
The next picture is Miss Sage, who most of you are familiar with. Notice Sage is standing near the area where I have planted grass seed. The biggest point of this picture is she is standing.
The next picture tells the story of today. Mr Ben. Notice Ben is laying in the area where I have planted grass not only once but three times. He loves to roll in this area. He rolls and rolls and rolls. You get the idea. Donkey's love to roll in dirt. It keeps them cooler and helps to keep flies off of them. Well I happen to have a large area of dirt and he is loving it.
Also notice the look on this donkey's face. I think he is laughing at me. He knows I do not want him rolling in my grass seed. I have shoooed him off of it several times. He just comes right back and rolls more. While I was there yesterday he layed down and rolled and rolled and rolled right in front of me and then looked up at me with this expression on his face. I swear he is laughing at me!
Friends I will never grow anything in this area with him constantly rolling on it. Grass will not grow under these circumstances. I cannot rope it off because it is right in front of the enterance to the barn and Missy and Hope love the barn. I also believe all of them should have access to shelter if we should happen to get rain. But if we get rain, then I will have mud and maybe, but only maybe, Mr Ben will not roll. But only for a short time. When it dries out, he will start rolling. He must think I made this area just for him. Althought he stood and watch me plant grass not once but 3 times.
I could put up a sign that says "No Rolling" but I am not sure if he can read and even more sure if he could read, don't know if he would obey the sign. I think he would still roll and roll and roll.
I also still think this little fellow is laughing at me. The look on his face when he looked at me just told it all. He knows he is doing wrong and he knows I love him and will not do anything. I guess I will just have a huge dirt area in front of my barn and he can be happy rolling and rolling.
Everyone have a wonderful day and a really great weekend. Tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Grass ???!!!xxx***???!

Part of the construction at the barn was to grade some of the ground around the barn hoping to stop water from running into the stalls. Water and Mud is a real problem due to sloop of the land there.
I had the opportunity to plant a different type of grass so I would not have tall weeds around the barn. I was excited. Well I was excited. Now I am mostly annoyed and aggriviated. I researched to determine the best type of grass that would grow under the types of abuse it would encounter there. Dry temperature, large animals walking around on it, and being on a hill. The local feed and seed store recomended the perfect seed and I got double what the gentleman thought I would need. Always go large and get more. I planted this seed as soon as grading was complete and the heavy equipment stopped driving on the ground. That night we had a very heavy rain and almost all of my seed washed into the pond. Then it rained hard and heavy for 3 more days. Oh well, not to be discouraged I went back to the feed and seed store and bought more seed and replanted. The weather man said the chance of rain was only 30% so I assumed things would be OK. The very next morning we had what is called a gully washer and guess what. All my grass seed washed into the pond. OK, I do not accept defeat very easily so I go back to the feed and seed store and purchase more grass seed. I go back and once again plant grass seed. We even had a light sprinkle of rain that afternoon so I felt good. My new grass had been watered and things were looking up.
The next day when there was only a 20% chance of rain, there was a huge downpour of rain at my barn that lasted about 15 minutes. I was at the barn when it happeded and I could see the rain washing toward the pond. Probably most of my grass seed was going with it.
Well the good news is that most of the water does run away from the barn and not into the new stalls. The other news is that I think once again my grass seed had washed away. My grass seed is blue, so when I walk out around the barn I can still see some seed there. I decided not to plant again but see what happens. Well we have had no rain. I do not have running water at my barn so I cannot water my grass. It has been a week with no rain now. Finally I went out yesterday and carried a bucket of water and watered my grass seed as best I could. Nothing is coming up that looks like grass. I have some really good mud though. Well not even mud anymore because there has been no rain. I am going to wait another week and if I do not see anything coming up that looks like grass I will try once again to plant grass. Funny, the grass I bought was suppose to come up under any conditions and would grow anywhere. I must be doing something wrong. A friend said in about 3 weeks I will have so much grass because it probably did not wash away and I keep putting more seeds out. I hope she is right. I will let you know.
Everyone have a great day and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day and a Special "Thank You" to all troops past, present, and future that gave so much so we can have all the freedoms we have.
Thank a Vet today and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Well construction on the barn has stopped because it has rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Well OK maybe not that long, but it has rained for several days and construction has come to a full and complete stop. I planted grass seed and it all washed into the pond. Can we say I have been defeated by mother nature.  Well I will let mother nature have this battle but in the end I will win the war. I do not accept defeat easily so I will be back at it right away. I will have green grass and new stalls in my barn!!!!
The horses were miserable on the other side of the pasture so I put them on the side they are used to with all the mud because the grass seed washed away. Now they are walking around in 5 inches of mud. They are still happier in the mud rather than being in the very high grass. The grass was so tall on the other side that sometimes you could not see Ben for the grass. Poor little fellow. The horses were very unhappy too.
I will attempt to plant grass again in the next couple of days. I am going to plant a mixture this time so something will come up quickly while the grass I really want to grow has time to come up. Hope the horses to not trample it to death while it is trying to grow.
I think the weather is going to cooperate and no more rain for a few days. Maybe things will dry out and construction can begin again. Hopefully the new grass will have sunshine and begin to grow.
I will keep you updated. Hoping soon to have pictures of the new addition and also pictures of the new grass.
Everyone have a great day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

It Begins!

Construction on the addition to my barn has begun. The guys started working on Tuesday. I am very excited. 2 more stalls for the girls. They can all have a seperate stall for eating napping or whatever. The one little fellow I have (Lil Ben) will have his own stall also. He will have a place to get away from all of the girls that worry him to death. We have not decided who will get which stall yet. Actually, I have not decided how we will let them know which stall is theirs anyway. I could put their name on the gate but I am not sure if any of them read well enough to understand. Either way, construction is underway and I am so very grateful for the guys working very hard over there doing this for me. I will add more pictures when the job is complete. Everyone had a really wonderful day and always tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Monday, May 13, 2013

My day.

Had a wonderful Mother's day. Spent a couple of hours with my Mom and it went well. No screaming and yelling so I consider that a good visit. (My Mom has Alzheimer's) Spent time at the barn with my Equine babies. No riding but everyone was groomed and loved on and spoiled. I have noticed as time goes on I care less about riding and more about spending time with them. Guess I am losing the riding touch. It is OK. The love I have for these animals has not dimmed any. It has grown more and more. I am more comfortable around them and trust them way more. Just do not seem to care about riding. Maybe it will come back. Maybe it will not. Either way I am enjoying having them and loving them.
Was informed that construction on the barn will begin this week. I am so excited. Extra stalls for the extra horses. More comfort for everyone. This is a great thing.
The weather has finally turned like Spring and this I really love. Makes me want to hang out at the barn more and more but this is my favorite time of the year. My mood is better.
Everyone have a wonderful week and remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them. I hope it is Spring where you are.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there. Enjoy your day and take the time to have a small amount of time for yourself. Enjoy what you love to do.
If you have a mother take the time to visit or call her. Sometimes just a phone call saying I Love You will make Mom's day. Visit if you can. You all know how I feel about that one small thing. We never know and none of us have the promise of another day.
Today is not the day to preach so tell your Mother you love her either with a visit or a phone call. If you are a mother enjoy your day and do something you enjoy.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Officer of the Year

Well I made it to the awards ceremony. Guess who is Officer of the Year. Yes my son. I am very proud. Although I must say, I am proud of him no matter what he does, even if it is not getting an award. Officer of the Year is a big deal, (well at least to Mom it is). We sat at the table with the Sheriff and his family. They were all very nice and a good time was had by all. I took lots of pictures but my son hates it when I use his picture freely on my blog or facebook page. I actually did put the pictures on my facebook page but I promised I would not put it on here.
I have decided that for some reason that is lost to me, Spring has not arrived this year. It has been cool and rainy with very little sun. Not the best temps for having outdoor activities. I am ready for some sunshine and warmer temps. If you can get a word to mother nature for me it would be greatly appreciated.
All the animals at the barn are doing great and the cat is getting fatter. Still not sure if we are going to be blessed with kittens. Not being a huge cat person I just do not know. Probably will not know until I see little fur balls running around the barn.
Everyone have a great day and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

What to Wear?

What do I wear? My son is getting an award for his work in Law Enforcement this week and of course I am going to this ceremony. Actually, I have never missed a major event in my son's life that I can think of. I have even boarded an airplane and headed out west for one. I believe in being there to support my only child. Sorry I am rambling. Now back to this event. There is a dinner before the ceremony and everyone who is anyone is our small community will be there. Normally I would not attend such an event, but this time, I am going. I am struggling with what to wear. Slacks would be great but I do not want to be the only one wearing them. I have some dresses but have not purchased a new one for some time. I guess any of them would be OK since they are not terribly old but whatever I am wearing I will need to wear to work the same day. I wear slacks to work all the time so that would be OK but a dress would be a big surprise to everyone. I really do not care about the work group but I want to look nice for my son. I just do not know what I will wear. Guess I will be going through the closet this evening and searching for just the right thing. There is still time to make a dash to the store if I cannot find anything. I hate to go out and buy something when I have many things in the closet. I just do not know what I will wear. My husband has a job where he has to wear a suit all the time. He has many of them so he never has to worry about what he is wearing. He just opens the closet and selects one of his many suits. Maybe easier for a man anyway. They do not care. They just put something on and go. Women fret over what they are wearing and how they look. Now if I could wear jeans and cowboy boots I would be great. I have lots fo them. But not this time. I have to put on something nice. The funny thing about that is that I have probably paid way more for some of my jeans that any of my dress clothes. Ha. Cost does not matter. Many woman can go to a thrift store and buy something and put it together and look great. I am not one of those. I have to work at looking half way decent. The search for something to wear begins today. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I am back. Sorry it's been so long. My Mom has been in the hospital and trying to take care of my Dad, (who cannot walk due to his accident) has been kind of major. My Mom came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. We have hired a nice lady to stay with them and help out. Really hoping things will calm down now and hopefully get back into a more normal routine. I have not seen Sage or Ben for 3 days. Hope and Missy Mom has been feeding them for me and making sure they are OK. I will be feeding them myself this morning and I am ready to see my babies. I miss loving on them and interacting with them. I hope they remember me. :)
Off we go to start another day. Everyone have a great one and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The eyes of a horse (donkey too)

Hello Everyone. Pictured are the members of my equine family that live in my horse pasture. They are Lil Ben, Hope, Sage, and Missy. Hope and Missy are the newest family members. When I look into the eyes of these beautiful animals I see confusion and sorrow. Hope and Missy lived with Gerald's brother Edward for 17 plus years. Missy is 17 and that is the only person she has ever lived with. Hope is 28 and she had been with Edward for what I believe is about 20 of those years.
Then the horrible monster called Cancer came to see Edward and he lost his battle. What was to become of the horses he loved so much. They have come to NC to live with his sister. Horses have great memories. They remember everything, but especially remember those who love them and are kind to them. Edward loved his horses and treated them like his children. My heart goes out to these beautiful animals. First the one person who took care of them and loved them just disappears one day to never return. They do not understand why. Then a couple of months later they are put on a trailer and traveled 22 hours to their new home. To strangers. They have to get used to new surroundings, new people, new food, new friends. They must wonder where Edward is. They must wonder why they are in this strange place.
My heart goes out to them. When I look into their eyes I see confusion, sorrow and loneliness. I know they miss Edward and wonder about him. I know they miss Oklahoma and wonder why they had to leave. I love them already and they have only been here about 3 weeks. I try hard to show them they are welcome and this is their new home that will show them love and kindness. I try to show them it will be ok and they are ok. I try to show them they will have a good life here. Their new Mother tries very hard too. She loves them and babies them and treat them very good.
Sage and Ben have had to adjust also. They were used to getting all of Mommy's love and now they have to share some. Sage has always been the boss lady of the pasture and now she has to keep Missy in line to keep that job. Ben is not used to having so many women all around him and hides in the bushes to get a moment of alone time. When I look into their eyes I see confusion and wonder. They wonder why these two new horses have come to live there. They wonder why Mommy gives part of their love to someone else. They have to share the barn and everything else. They must wonder if they have been replaced in my heart. I try to show them I love them as much as ever. I try to show them it will be ok and they have new friends not horses they will have to battle with. Their world has changes just as much as Missy and Hope.
The horse eyes will tell many stories if you just look into them. You can see love, sorrow, kindness, and pain if you just look. I am looking forward to the day when I look into the eyes of all four of these wonderful animals and see love and happiness looking back at me. One big happy family, even if part of them have four legs.
Tell the ones you love that you do love them. We never know what today holds.
Thanks for reading.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Older than I ever thought I would be

Today is my birthday. I am older than I ever thought I would be. I only say that because all my teenage and adult life I never thought I would live to be an older person. Just a feeling that I have always had. I have no explanation for this feeling except that it is there. Actually it is still there. The definition of older person gets moved back each year but the feeling remains; just as much now as ever.
I am grateful that I am the age I am. (NO, I am not going to tell you what that age is). I have had many experiences in my life, both good and bad, but many stories to tell anyway.
Do not worry, I am not going to tell all of them in this blog. Well I am starting another year and still unsure if I will see the next birthday. It is OK. I have family and friends that love me and I love them back. I have a great husband, wonderful son, and granddaughter that looks and acts just like me. Wonderful animals that return my love. Family and friends that have gone before me that wait for me to come. It is good on both ends of this feeling I have.
Happy Birthday to me and let's get started on the next year.
Thanks for reading and please tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sorry. Really, I am sorry.

Ok, I know I said I had a lot of things to happen in one weekend and then left you hanging and I am so very sorry. I have been really busy. I also made a quick trip to Virginia to the Great American Trail Horse Sale. Even if you do not like horses you would surely enjoy the trail competition. Really lots of fun.
Now back to my weekend. First, the two new horses finally came to my pasture to their new home. It was touch and go with them. The 22 hour road trip was hard on both of them. One of them got a mild case of colic. I spent all day in the pasture with them; making sure they were going to be OK. Then after getting some dinner with my husband I got a phone call that said my Dad had been in an accident with the riding lawn mower. We had to race to the hospital, which is almost an hour from where we live. His legs were cut pretty bad, but with some time he is going to be fine. Then the next day, Easter Sunday, we had to drive to another city to rescue my granddaughter from her stupid mother who managed to get herself in trouble with the police after a traffic stop. A very eventful weekend I must say.  On Monday I had to take my Dad to 2 seperate doctor visits, which did take all day.
Then I went to Virginia and had a really good time. We saw some wonderful horses. I spent 4 days there working and enjoying the event and sale.
I have been very busy with lots of things going on.
Everyone remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Wait until you hear about my weekend !!??xx!???

You will never believe what happen this weekend!!!!!!!!! So many things. I only have time for pictures and this short note. More later and WOW is it interesting. Thanks for reading and tell your loved ones that you love them.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to Everyone. It is a wonderful time of the year with flowers blooming (well maybe if not so cold, but I will not go into that) birds singing and fresh green grass and trees poping up all over. A wonderful time of the year. Everyone enjoy this Easter and please visit the ones you love and tell them you love them. Happy Easter.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter and Springtime.

Easter is just a few days away. I am pretty sure the Easter bunny will be stopping by my house. Skylar has a new Easter dress (which was designed for warm weather so we might have a problem). Isn't it suppose to be warm for Easter and have flowers blooming? I think that is the way I remember Easter when I was growing up. Well I could be wrong but really not sure anymore. I promise not to get off on the I am cold rant again. I think everyone has the idea.
The new horses will be arriving this weekend as well. I think I mentioned in a previous blog that Gerald's sister got his brother's horses and they will be coming back to North Carolina to live in my pasture. Sage is excited about meeting her cousins. Well I think she is excited. She and Lil Ben are cold because they have started shedding and it is cold. Anyway she hangs around the barn a lot, so I think she is waiting for her cousins, but I guess it could be because she is cold and it is a little warmer in the barn. Well maybe some of both, but there again, I am really not sure.
I am both excited and nervous about the horses. Three horses and one donkey to deal with every morning will be really different than what I am used to. But I love horses and the excitement of having two more living there is taking front and center to anything else right now. I just hope everyone gets along.
Skylar is having Spring pictures made at school today. She had to wear long sleeves and leggings under her skirt. Way too cold to wear her new sleeveless dress. She still looks very cute and I think pictures will be good. Guess we will have to go elsewhere for pictures in her Easter dress later when it warms up.
Happy Easter to everyone and please take a moment to tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Thanks for reading. Oh, in case you did not know, it is cold for this time of year.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Short, Jittery, Inconsistent, Reddish Brown Rodent

It was 21 degrees this morning and not looking like it will be much better in the morning. Ugh!

Why is it cold when the calender says it's Spring

Wednesday was the first day of Spring. Welcome warm temps, pretty flowers, longer days. So why is it 30 degrees out this morning and sooooo cold? We had one really beautiful day before the calender claimed it was Springtime. It was so nice. 75 degrees, sunshine, flowers, happy people. Then something went terribly wrong. I think someone is confused. Well other than me. I even heard a rumor that it might snow this weekend. Snow????
It has been very cool out since the first day of Spring. Well personally I think 42 degrees is cold, not cool, but I am trying to be optimistic. It keeps getting colder though. My poor horse and donkey had started shedding their winter coats, (they must have looked at the calender too). I am certain they are cold now. I have blankets for them. Sure the horse would do fine with one but my poor little donkey has most likely never had one on and he might flip out or something. They have been hanging out in the barn a lot. It is warmer in there, although not much, but warmer is warmer and is better, so I guess they realize this. I put extra hay down for them so they might lay down and be comfortable. Now people that is the kind of things you do in Winter, not Spring.
There were some Springtime flowers poking their heads out of the ground, but if they had decided to bloom out they are now gone. The cold has got them. Really sad. Spring flowers are my favorite. Easter is in one week. I hope we are not hiding eggs in the snow!
I personally am not sure what has happen but there must be someone to blame for this. I choose to blame the democrats!! It has to be their fault! It just has to be.
Springtime please come back. I am cold and I am ready for short sleeves and sunshine and warm temps all around.
Thank you for reading and remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Night Visitor

As I have mentioned before I live in a very small town which is so rural that entertainment has to be invented. Now being from the South, we can invent some odd entertainment. In recent weeks it is trying really hard to be Spring where I live. We have been feeding the birds. My husband got the bright idea that buying suet cakes for the birds and putting them on the rail of the deck was great fun. The birds were up close and we had a great view. The problem was that every morning the cake would be gone. Once the entire basket and cake were gone. He blamed the neighbor's dog. Then we begin to have a problem with something tearing out our trash. He felt sure it was the neighbor's cat.
Did I mention my husband is not from a rural area but a rather large city.
Anyway I told him I thought we had a possum that was hanging around. In the south we drop the O. Here they are not opossum but just possum. He did not think this was true.
I put some food scraps in a bowl out on the deck one evening late with every intention of throwing them into the edge of our yard the next morning for the neighbor's dog. (And we wonder why the dog continues to come back) Well later in the night I wandered into the kitchen to get a drink of water. From the moonlight I saw movement on the deck. I got the flashlight and guess what was there, eating the food scraps. You got it. The possum. I woke my husband up and told him to come look. The flashlight did not effect the possum at all. He continue to eat and act as if he never saw us. By this time my son was up, wondering what the noise was about. Well people my husband thought the possum was great. He could not get over how close it was, (we have sliding glass doors and it was just on the other side). You would have thought this was his first time. He loved it. Seriously. He said he wanted to open the door and touch it. Both my son and I laughed and said Good Luck with that idea. He did not try this, (Well not yet anyway)
Well apparently if you continue to put some type of food out this possum will keep coming back. (Kind of like the neighbor dog) He finds this entertaining. So we are putting food out for the possum. Now we do not get up every night to look at him, but the food is always gone. Personally I do not think this is the best idea because we encourage this possum to come back all the time and he will tear open the trash. This is a mess. My husband has a solution. Get a larger trash can. Should I tell him the possum can climb and a larger can will just mean more of a mess for the possum? Or worse, get a larger plastic can and let the possum fall into it and be there when my husband goes outside. Then he can touch it. Ha Ha Ha
Well we do have a little night visitor and he is getting fed really well. Sure hope it is not a she and her family begins to come with her. City folks. Ha
Thanks for reading and tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Feed the possums. They are hungry too as my husband would say.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sleep will not come

It is almost 1:30 am in my little home. It is very quite, mostly because everyone is sleeping. (Well everyone but me) Sleep will not come. I have either a horrible cold or a sinus infection or something that makes me feel really bad. I cannot breathe (which really is not good since my motto for life is Just Breathe), I am constantly coughing, I have a small fever, and I ache all over. Yep, you got it, I feel miserable. Had to come home from work early today and have a Dr appointment in the morning.
Now that I have whined to all of you, let's get on with the no sleep. For a couple of days I can run on 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night but by the 3rd day I am crashing. This will be night 2 of almost no sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. I will go the the Dr. then off to work (unless Dr says no). This is my week to stay late at work. Husband is not coming home tomorrow night, so I will have to get a little girl ready for bed. A long day. I need sleep. Sleep will not come. Probably because I cannot breathe, but who knows.
I could take something but then I will not want to wake up at 6:30 in the morning and that would not be good either. I have to get ready for my early Dr appointment.
I do not see an easy solution for this sleepless night. I do not see sleep coming. I still cannot breathe. My head hurts. My chest aches. I cannot stop coughing. I am rambling and whining. Yep you got it. I am not a good sick person. I whine.
Sorry for the depressing post and please come back when I feel better and I will write something cheerful. Or at least I will try.
Thanks for reading and please tell the people you love that you do love them.
Oh and thanks for listening to the whining. I appreciate it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 13th

March 13th is only a couple of days away. This would have been my Nanny's (grandmother) birthday. If she were on this earth today she would be 113. She has been gone 20 years but I remember her so very well. She was the most wonderful lady who loved everyone. (except republicans) Well she probably loved them as well but there is a funny story about that. (For another day) I was the oldest grandchild and I never doubted her love. Her face would light up and she always smiled when I entered the room. I remember this so very well. As a child I often spent Saturday nights with her. She always had a great snack for me and made me pancakes for breakfast. To this very day I only like my pancakes the way Nanny made them. Cake like not thin and rubbery. It is the only way.
There is no doubt this wonderful lady is in heaven. There was no one any better. She was kind and loving and just extra special. I miss her. I think of her often and the way she would smile when I came into the room. I miss it. Even after 20 years I can still remember how much she loved me. The kind of love that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Real genuine love from the heart.
Happy Birthday in heaven Nanny. I love you and miss you very much. Most of all, I remember the way you loved me and miss it. The memories live on in my heart and I am so very glad I have them.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

One little hour

Well here we are, one night into daylight savings time. Yea, one more hour of daylight today. But the problem is I have one less hour of sleep. Funny how one hour can be so exciting and then you realize you are tired because you lost sleep. I stayed up late watching the Duke - Carolina game. Yes I was happy with the winner, but I am certainly in a minority with lots of my friends. Folks, I hang out with a Carolina crowd but really I am a Duke fan. This is not a secret, but there are times in my life when it is just best to keep quite or I could be hurt.
Funny it was the one thing Gerald and I just did not discuss. He was a huge Carolina fan. His daughter graduated from this fine institution with honors. I will never forget the first time this subject came up. He said something about Carolina and I just matter of fact said, Well I am a Duke fan. People that look was priceless. Funny now that I remember it. It was only mentioned a few times more during our friendship but each time I got that look.
Sorry, I am rambling. Back to this one hour time thing. I am very excited about more daylight in the evenings. This means more time at the barn and more time with the horse and donkey. But I did not remember that it meant one less hour of sleep this one day and I will feel bad for this day. Well it is just one day right. Certainly worth it for several months of saddle time. Sure!!
Spent a little time at the barn yesterday, cleaning stalls and enjoying some love time with my babies. Hard to love on babies that weight 1200 lbs and 600 lbs, but I do manage it and enjoy doing it. I am going to take the saddle over today and ride some.
Everyone have just the best day and thanks for reading. Tell the ones you love that you love them. We never know.